

We are innovative rfid solution provider, we understand your business process and then suggest you a solution which increases the efficiency of your business.
we offers : RFID Waste Management System (WasteTrack), RFID Inventory Management System (InvenTrack), RFID File Tracking System (TrackFile) , RFID Library Management System (TrackLib), RFID Student Management System (StudentTrack) , RFID Attendance Management System Visit : , to know more

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Selection of communication mode of rfid reader

Selection of communication medium is very important when we are going to use the reader for any application.

We RS232 module reader are cheaper than TCP/IP module readers , but before deciding the communication mode of rfid reader we have to keep in mind several facts:

  1. Type of application
  2. No. of rfid readers required
  3. Standalone system 
  4. Generalize Solution
1.) Type of application:
If we are integrating readers with GPS or GPRS device then in that case we can use RS232 communication medium.
2.) No. of rfid readers required:
If no of readers required is more then we should go with TCP/IP communication module because once we connect them in the network we can access them from any where in the scope of network.
3.) For Standalone system:
for standalone system we can use  RS232 communication mode because they are cheaper but if the no of readers required is more then we should go with TCP/IP communication mode to reduce the complexity of system.
 4.) For Generalize solution:
In this case we should use the TCP/IP based reader which can be used in case of monitoring . Consider if we want to add a location add a reader in your application with reference to location  with its Ip address and port no.

For more consultation:
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RFID Active readers

RFID Active Readers :
RFID active reader is used to track rfid active active tags (3.1Ghz-10Ghz) , active tags are having inbuilt battery and that make them efficient and increases their read range. Read range for active readers are upto 200m.

Active readers can be used for warehouse management system, student monitoring ,employee monitoring , customer monitoring etc. Active reader is used where tracking area is very big and exact location of Items/Students/Employee not required because in this case we get the approximate value which can vary from 0-200m.

Limitation :
It can not be used for attendance and access control because of long range.

For more consultation:
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How to select RFID reader for UHF based Library Management System ?

RFID Based Library management system utilize all functionality of rfid reader , it is very complex solution. For any operation set of other dependent operation is performed.

So before deciding a UHF reader for RFID based library management system we should keep in mind that:
  1. For tagging and self check desktop reader should be used of less read range.
  2. Before selecting a reader we should check time required for reading and writing data on tag using its sdk should be in milliseconds.
  3. For standalone rfid gate 4 port rfid reader with external antenna should be used and its data reading speed and reading range should be high otherwise gate will be dependent on server.
For more consultation :
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Saturday, 4 July 2015

How RFID can boost your waste management system

RFID Based Solid Waste Management System:

As per increase in the population of country, proper management of municipal solid waste is required for maintaining the green environment.  Proper tracking should be there from amount of waste in trucks to processing of amount of waste.  RFID based Solid waste management system is playing a good responsibility for keeping the transparency of data in each part of solid waste management system and  also increase the efficiency of complete system by automating it.

There should be transparency to show the efficiency of each trip which gives you clear picture that how what weight of waste they should pick and what amount they have picked.

Only tracking using GPS and RFID is not efficient for waste management system.

Netpaze Solutions offers a beautifully designed and packaged solution WasteTrack (RFID based waste management system )

Why use RFID based Waste Management System:
 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology in Waste management system is very user friendly to each person who is involved in solid waste management system.  Some of its benefits are:
•    RFID based waste management system reduces manpower
•    RFID based Solid Waste Management System increases productivity
•     RFID based Solid Waste Management System reduces use of paper
•    RFID based Solid Waste Management System shows the efficiency of the vehicles picking the weight.
•    Instruction for driver with traffic light and siren
•    Capturing the in weight and out weight of vehicle to calculate the net weight of waste.
•    MIS Reporting
•    Proper integration of more than one transfer stations.

Process Flow of RFID Based Weight Management System:
•    One time Registration of Vehicle is done in application at transfer station and then tag will be issued to the vehicle that is pasted on the windshield of the vehicle.
•    When registered vehicle come to transfer station , Traffic Light will instruct to driver:
•    Green Light: Vehicle can come on Weighbridge for weight.
•    Red Light: Vehicle has to weight on weighbridge until its red.
•    Yellow Light with buzzer: Vehicle has to leave the weighbridge.
•    When vehicle comes near weighbridge, rfid reader identifies the vehicle by rfid tag pasted on its windshield and then application gives the instruction to controller to turn red.
•    After identification, application records weight from weighbridge and give instruction to controller to trigger the buzzer to buzz and traffic light to turn yellow.
•    Then it saves all the data to local database, so that process does not rely on internet connectivity.
•    As the data get saved, application sends the instruction to controller to turn on the green light.
•    Then data get synchronized with server, so that we can check the report from anywhere at any time using web application in the scope of network.

Friday, 3 July 2015

RFID School Attendance Management System

Most Popular Requirement in Schools:
  1. In school attendance management most popular requirement is to sent sms to parents when their son/daughter enters in school premises.
  2. Sent sms when their son/daughter absent.
  3. Sent sms at check in/check ot on school bus
For the above case scenario LF based solution will  be best with 100% accuracy and also it will be cheaper.

EDILYST.COM Offering the  sTrack (Student Tracking Package ) starting from 320$.

  • sTrack solution is plug and play
  • easy to install.
  • can be configure easily.
  • most popular solution for school attendance.

Why LF not UHF ?

RFID Technology having some limitations like metal and body hindrance  is responsible less accuracy in UHF because of the distance is more and there may be the case in which 1 or 2 student can't be identified.Because some student may have their tags in bag or back pocket.

 But in the case of LF student have to show the cards and then they move this gives 100% accuracy to the system also it is cheaper than the UHF.

What is RFID ?

RFID represents Radio Frequency Identification , it is used for wireless data transfer using radio frequency.

Component of rfid system:
  • RFID Reader : RFID Reader work as receiver it receives data stored on the tag as it comes in the range of the reader. Range of readers varies from 5cm to 200m based on the category defined on the basis of frequency band.
  • RFID Tags  : RFID Tags are having small RFID chip surrounded by antenna. RFID tags has the memory in which we can store the information which are very helpful in various cases. Rfid tags are basically work as transmitter the transmit the information to the reader once they get activated by reader.
Category of RFID Products:
RFID products are categorized on the basis of their frequency band and read range depends on it.

Category Band Read Range
Low Frequency (LF): 120–150 kHz 10 cm
High Frequency (HF): 13.56 MHz 10cm - 1m
Ultra High Frequency (UHF): 865-925 MHz 1-12m
Microwave (Active): 3.1–10 GHz 50-200m