

We are innovative rfid solution provider, we understand your business process and then suggest you a solution which increases the efficiency of your business.
we offers : RFID Waste Management System (WasteTrack), RFID Inventory Management System (InvenTrack), RFID File Tracking System (TrackFile) , RFID Library Management System (TrackLib), RFID Student Management System (StudentTrack) , RFID Attendance Management System Visit : , to know more

Saturday, 4 July 2015

How RFID can boost your waste management system

RFID Based Solid Waste Management System:

As per increase in the population of country, proper management of municipal solid waste is required for maintaining the green environment.  Proper tracking should be there from amount of waste in trucks to processing of amount of waste.  RFID based Solid waste management system is playing a good responsibility for keeping the transparency of data in each part of solid waste management system and  also increase the efficiency of complete system by automating it.

There should be transparency to show the efficiency of each trip which gives you clear picture that how what weight of waste they should pick and what amount they have picked.

Only tracking using GPS and RFID is not efficient for waste management system.

Netpaze Solutions offers a beautifully designed and packaged solution WasteTrack (RFID based waste management system )

Why use RFID based Waste Management System:
 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology in Waste management system is very user friendly to each person who is involved in solid waste management system.  Some of its benefits are:
•    RFID based waste management system reduces manpower
•    RFID based Solid Waste Management System increases productivity
•     RFID based Solid Waste Management System reduces use of paper
•    RFID based Solid Waste Management System shows the efficiency of the vehicles picking the weight.
•    Instruction for driver with traffic light and siren
•    Capturing the in weight and out weight of vehicle to calculate the net weight of waste.
•    MIS Reporting
•    Proper integration of more than one transfer stations.

Process Flow of RFID Based Weight Management System:
•    One time Registration of Vehicle is done in application at transfer station and then tag will be issued to the vehicle that is pasted on the windshield of the vehicle.
•    When registered vehicle come to transfer station , Traffic Light will instruct to driver:
•    Green Light: Vehicle can come on Weighbridge for weight.
•    Red Light: Vehicle has to weight on weighbridge until its red.
•    Yellow Light with buzzer: Vehicle has to leave the weighbridge.
•    When vehicle comes near weighbridge, rfid reader identifies the vehicle by rfid tag pasted on its windshield and then application gives the instruction to controller to turn red.
•    After identification, application records weight from weighbridge and give instruction to controller to trigger the buzzer to buzz and traffic light to turn yellow.
•    Then it saves all the data to local database, so that process does not rely on internet connectivity.
•    As the data get saved, application sends the instruction to controller to turn on the green light.
•    Then data get synchronized with server, so that we can check the report from anywhere at any time using web application in the scope of network.

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