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Thursday, 9 July 2015

Selection of communication mode of rfid reader

Selection of communication medium is very important when we are going to use the reader for any application.

We RS232 module reader are cheaper than TCP/IP module readers , but before deciding the communication mode of rfid reader we have to keep in mind several facts:

  1. Type of application
  2. No. of rfid readers required
  3. Standalone system 
  4. Generalize Solution
1.) Type of application:
If we are integrating readers with GPS or GPRS device then in that case we can use RS232 communication medium.
2.) No. of rfid readers required:
If no of readers required is more then we should go with TCP/IP communication module because once we connect them in the network we can access them from any where in the scope of network.
3.) For Standalone system:
for standalone system we can use  RS232 communication mode because they are cheaper but if the no of readers required is more then we should go with TCP/IP communication mode to reduce the complexity of system.
 4.) For Generalize solution:
In this case we should use the TCP/IP based reader which can be used in case of monitoring . Consider if we want to add a location add a reader in your application with reference to location  with its Ip address and port no.

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