

We are innovative rfid solution provider, we understand your business process and then suggest you a solution which increases the efficiency of your business.
we offers : RFID Waste Management System (WasteTrack), RFID Inventory Management System (InvenTrack), RFID File Tracking System (TrackFile) , RFID Library Management System (TrackLib), RFID Student Management System (StudentTrack) , RFID Attendance Management System Visit : , to know more

Friday, 3 July 2015

RFID School Attendance Management System

Most Popular Requirement in Schools:
  1. In school attendance management most popular requirement is to sent sms to parents when their son/daughter enters in school premises.
  2. Sent sms when their son/daughter absent.
  3. Sent sms at check in/check ot on school bus
For the above case scenario LF based solution will  be best with 100% accuracy and also it will be cheaper.

EDILYST.COM Offering the  sTrack (Student Tracking Package ) starting from 320$.

  • sTrack solution is plug and play
  • easy to install.
  • can be configure easily.
  • most popular solution for school attendance.

Why LF not UHF ?

RFID Technology having some limitations like metal and body hindrance  is responsible less accuracy in UHF because of the distance is more and there may be the case in which 1 or 2 student can't be identified.Because some student may have their tags in bag or back pocket.

 But in the case of LF student have to show the cards and then they move this gives 100% accuracy to the system also it is cheaper than the UHF.

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