

We are innovative rfid solution provider, we understand your business process and then suggest you a solution which increases the efficiency of your business.
we offers : RFID Waste Management System (WasteTrack), RFID Inventory Management System (InvenTrack), RFID File Tracking System (TrackFile) , RFID Library Management System (TrackLib), RFID Student Management System (StudentTrack) , RFID Attendance Management System Visit : , to know more

Monday, 12 June 2017

RFID Based File Tracking System (TrackFile)

Today, there is a quandary that most of the employees at workplace spend large amount of their time in coping up with the avalanche of files and documents instead of spending time in other crucial job at workplace. So, to address such issues we at Netpaze Solutions has come forth with exceptional and result-oriented File Tracking System which is based on advanced RFID technology. It is a fully automated local tracking or positioning system that is widely used in offices and other institutions to track and identify and manage documents and business files with ease and in less time.

Netpaze Solutions has been serving the industry with its revolutionary RFID based File Tracking System that facilitates quick reissuing, issuing and returning of business files and other documents using RFID enabled modules and tags. The system is designed to offer instant file and member information to the file manager without any manual intervention.

Our RFID File Management solutions required no line of sight to interpret the RFID tags and can easily read multiple tags consistently from a fixed distance. Moreover, each of the tag has its own unique tag ID; therefore the file management system is totally free from counterfeiting and bogus report. Moreover, the system is designed with supreme quality anti-theft system. The system consistently monitors the movement of the files and ensure that no file is out taken out without prior issuing are tracked and the same will be intimated to the management with an auto alarm.

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